How to Install the Statim 2000 Autoclave Keypad
While it may look like replacing the Keypad on your Statim 2000 autoclave is difficult, it really is a very simple process
Do Not Start This Procedure Until You Have The New Statim 2000 Keypad
Part #SCK015-245 On Hand!
As you should when performing any autoclave repair, read completely through these instructions before proceeding with the repair. That way, you will know exactly what you are doing!
Tools Need To Replace The Statim 2000 Keypad
- Philips Screwdriver
- Straight Edge Razor Blade
- Paring Knife (Optional)
- Hair Dryer
- Statim 2000 Extension Test Cable SCT026-388 (Optional - But Highly Recomended!)
First Steps
The first thing you will need to do is to remove the cover. To do this,
- Unplug the autoclave from the outlet
- Remove the cassette from the cassette bay and set it aside
- Remove the (2) screws on each side and back with the Philips Screwdriver
- Remove the Lid off the water reservoir and set it aside
- Lift up the back until it clears the compressor & slide the cabinet forward
- Lift the Cabinet off.
Note: There are two ribbon cables connecting the cabinet to the PC Board. These cables are very short. Carefully stand the cabinet on it's side,
being careful not to stress the cables
If you have the Statim 2000 Extension Test Cable, you can unplug both of the cables from the board and then lay the cabinet flat, next to the autoclave.
Plug the cables from the cabinet to the Extension Test Cable and pull the cable through the opening where the water reservoir lid goes and plug the cables into
the board
If you do not have the extension cable, unplug the bottom ribbon cable on the board (this is the keypad cable while the one on top is for the LCD Display
(leave the display connected)
How to Remove the Old Keypad
The old Keypad on your Statim 2000 Autoclave is held in place with adhesive, just like the replacement will be.
- To ensure a clean & easy removal, use the hair dryer to heat the keypad to break the bonds of the glue
- Starting at the end where the level bubble is located, lift the corner of the keypad with the Straight Edge Razor Blade (Be careful not to scratch the cover)
- Use the Paring Knife to help lift the keypad
- Once the end is lifted, you can simply pull the rest of the keypad off
- When you get to the end, simply pull the cable from the keypad through the slot
- Clean the surface where the Keypad was to remove any remaining residue of the adhesive and dirt

How to Install the New Statim 2000 Autoclave Keypad
Once the old keypad has been completely removed and the keypad area is clean & dry
- Before removing the paper backing of the new keypad, insert the cable through the slot
- Lay the keypad flat and do a trial placement to make sure everything lines up properly
- Remove the paper backing, and starting on the end with the cable, begin to lay the keypad in place, working out any bubbles along the way
- Reattach the cable to the PC Board (or the extension test cable)
- Plug the autoclave back in and turn on the power.
- While looking at the display, touch one of the buttons - the autoclave should respond with the familiar beep and the display should reflect the
selection you made (If it doesn't respond, make sure the cable is completely pushed in and fully seated)
- Turn the autoclave off and unplug it from the outlet.
- Install the cabinet - being careful not to stress the cables
- Try a test run and you are ready to go
Note: When Testing, if The LCD Display is blank, and/or the Keypad is unresponsive, it means you have pulled the cable(s) loose when replacing the cover.
Remove the cabinet, reseat the cables and reinstall the cabinet